Box Springs & Foundations

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A box spring is a firm, foundational platform that adds extra support between the mattress and the floor or bed frame. It’s typically constructed with wood and coils. Consider it an extra layer of shock absorption and a way to circulate air. Box springs were more common in earlier eras when most mattresses consisted of coil springs, but there are still valid reasons to purchase one today.

Choosing the right bedding is essential to getting a restful night of sleep. There are a lot of box spring options available but have no fear. We're here to narrow down your choices and make your decision easy. Keep reading to find out how to choose the best box spring.

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What are the benefits of using a box spring with my mattress?

A box spring provides essential support for your mattress, enhancing both its comfort and lifespan. It acts as a shock absorber, taking the brunt of the wear and tear from nightly use. This foundation helps to maintain the mattress's shape and integrity by distributing weight evenly.

How do I choose the right box spring for my mattress?

When selecting a box spring, consider the size and type of your mattress. Ensure that the box spring matches the size of your mattress (twin, full, queen, king) for a perfect fit. The type of mattress you have can also influence your choice; some modern memory foam or latex mattresses might require a solid foundation rather than traditional springs. Check the mattress manufacturer's recommendations to ensure compatibility. Additionally, think about height preferences—standard box springs are typically around 9 inches deep, whereas low-profile options are about 4-5 inches for a sleeker look.

What maintenance tips can help prolong the life of my box spring?

To prolong the life of your box spring, start by using a protective cover to shield it from dust, spills, and wear. Regularly inspect it for any signs of sagging or broken slats, as these can affect the support it provides. Keep the area under and around your box spring clean to prevent dust accumulation. Avoid excessive weight on the bed to prevent straining the box spring. Rotate your mattress regularly to distribute wear evenly, but unlike mattresses, box springs do not typically need to be rotated. Following these tips will help maintain your box spring’s structure and function over time.