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SAFAVIEH Natural Fiber Collection 5' x 7'6" Natural NF447A Handmade Chunky Textured Premium Jute 0.75-inch Thick Area Rug

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Safavieh's Chunky Hand-Woven Natural Fiber Jute Rug with 1,000+ customer reviews Beautifully textured and handwoven of thick, sustainable, and durable jute fibers Ideal to use as a base for stylish bohemian chic rug layering. Area - 37.5 sq ft Versatile enough for contemporary, casual, farmhouse, coastal, and bohemian styles of home décor Product Note : Rugs may contain temporary creases upon arrival, allow time for creases to flatten and settle Medium-thick 0.5 inch pile height For over 100 years, Safavieh has been a trusted brand, crafting rugs of the highest quality with unmatched style [EASY MAINTENANCE & DURABLE]: Stress-free cleaning includes regular vacuuming (without a beater bar) and gently blotting out minor stains with a mild. detergent or carpet cleaner.Note: Avoid direct sunlight to prevent the colors in your area rug from fading over time.


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