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Safavieh Natural Fiber Collection 4' x 6' Natural NF447A Handmade Chunky Textured Premium Jute 0.75-inch Thick Area Rug & Padding Collection 4 feet by 6 feet 4' x 6' PAD110 Cream Area Rug

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Product 1: Safavieh's Chunky Hand-Woven Natural Fiber Jute Rug with 1,000+ customer reviews Product 1: Beautifully textured and handwoven of thick, sustainable, and durable jute fibers Product 1: Ideal to use as a base for stylish bohemian chic rug layering Product 1: Versatile enough for contemporary, casual, farmhouse, coastal, and bohemian styles of home décor Product 2: Add safety and durability to your space with a Safavieh non-slip rug pad that should be used to protect your surroundings and your investment.Product Note : Rugs may contain temporary creases upon arrival, allow time for creases to flatten and settle Product 2: Each rug pad allows maximum air circulation through an open weave construction making vacuuming easy Product 2: These pads will keep your tapestries and rugs safe from accidental slipping, without scratching or damaging the floor beneath Product 2: For over 100 years, Safavieh has been crafting rugs of the highest quality and unmatched style


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