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HOM Furniture

Brooks Stone - 7 9 X 9 9 Area Rug

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Introduce your home's aesthetic with the relaxed and inviting charm of the Loloi Brooks Rug Collection. This versatile interior accent effortlessly blends into any space, providing a soft & enjoyable experience under your feet. With a range of neutral color options, the Brooks rug offers endless possibilities for creative color combinations. Whether used to bring together a cozy living room, add comfort to a bedroom, or enhance your dining area's sophistication, the solid design of the Brooks rug is a timeless choice. Crafted from a blend of wool, cotton, and polyester, each rug in the Brooks collection features a high-low pile construction that adds an appealing texture. Handwoven by skilled artisans, the Brooks rugs are proudly certified by Loloi's GoodWeave certification, providing peace of mind and support to the Artisans.


CollectionsBrooks Stone Rugs
BrandLoloi Rugs

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