2024 New Year’s Home Resolutions
Don’t have a New Year’s resolutions yet? For 2024, consider turning inwards to improve and enhance your home, a place full of warmth, self-expression, and relaxation. But this doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your interior with expensive renovations. Here are some budget-friendly upgrades to renew your home — and your life in it. 

1. Create a Cleaning Routine 

“Clean the house” can sound like a daunting chore. But there are ways to make it easier and quicker. Instead of one exhausting day of cleaning, break up the task into smaller routines or specific rooms.

If you prefer to break up the cleaning into smaller routines, consider something like vacuuming one day, dusting the next day, then wiping down counters the day after. We recommend tackling one task per weekday to save your precious weekends for relaxing.

If you prefer to complete your cleaning all on one day, tackle one room at a time during your designated cleaning day. Create a specialized list for what you want to accomplish in each room. To minimize lugging cleaning supplies from one room to another, consider keeping extra storage in each room to keep cleaning supplies close at hand and tucked away discreetly.

2. Stay Guest-Ready 

Become the ultimate host this year by keeping your spare bedroom guest-ready. Instead of rushing the day before guests arrive, do a bit of refreshing year-round. Just making the bed and adding inexpensive decor helps the room look clean and put-together, keeping you prepared even in the face of any last-minute hosting.

Keep the space feeling fresh throughout the year by regularly washing the bedding, letting in fresh air, fluffing pillows, and making sure furniture and decor are in the right places.

3. Live Clutter-Free 

Don’t let last year’s clutter linger. Assess your belongings to see which items you haven’t used in the last year. Clothing and personal belongings are the obvious items to sort through but consider donating unused or broken furniture as well. You may have outgrown some pieces, and some pieces might simply need to be replaced or fixed.

To upgrade your interior with new pieces, get started with our furniture budget guide before you start shopping. If you need to free up some extra space, consider multifunctional furnishings like storage beds.

4. Symbolize a Fresh Start 

Rearrange your furniture layout to give your home new life without spending any money. First measure your room to see how much space you have and figure out what kind of configurations are possible. You might even realize you have space for new furnishing or decor during this project.

If you don’t want to rearrange every room, we recommend starting with your bedroom and living room. You likely spend most of your time in these two spaces. A new layout will help them feel new, organized, and have you feeling ready for the new year.

5. Give Everything a Home 

Invest in storage this year as miscellaneous items can collect dust and detract from your home’s thoughtful design. Take time to assess your home and decide which areas might benefit from extra storage solutions — whether you need more organization or hidden spots to tuck away small, easy-to-lose items.

If your entryway gets cluttered with shoes and piles of coats, consider storage benches to be placed front and center. If you need a lot of small, random bedside items close at hand, you might need one or a pair of nightstands. Living room essentials can often be housed in home entertainment centers or media consoles. Traditional storage pieces, including shelves and filing cabinets, are perfect for function-forward spaces like home offices, basements, and garages.
Start this year off on the right foot by making a few resolutions for your home. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or time getting your home reset, refreshed, and ready for the new year. Whether you’re shopping to fill a new house or just making a few upgrades, furniture.com is here to support you throughout your design journey.  
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